Monday 1 April 2013

Happy Easter

Firstly, I would like to say Happy Easter to all who celebrate it! If you don't celebrate Easter, you're missing out on a  most important religious holiday that has morphed over the years into rituals of snarfing down hollow chocolates mostly shaped like cute little animals, eating lots of Ham and going to church (At least we kept the church part).

It's also spring time, the weather is nicer (up in Canada), snow is melting, maple sap is pouring, birds are out singing and animals are coming out of hibernation and doing rated R stuff with each-other...well you get the picture. Such a lovely time of year for many different changes. 

I had something cool happen to me in the last week. Incredibly, the pain in my hips went down to a 3 on the pain scale for almost a week, without having to take any medication. That's a big difference from the steady and usual 5 or 6 (where I need my pain meds to calm it down). I felt, for the first time in years, happy and a lot like the old me before FAI. 

If you have read my first post, you know I'm not a stranger to disappointment. Knowing this, I was cautious and didn't overdo anything, I figured that maybe my shattered labrums decided to hide and snuggle in the right spots, where they didn't catch so much. But I knew it wasn't permanent because both of my hip labrums are torn and will get re-torn again and again from FAI if the bone shape isn't fixed. Whatever happened, it was cool and felt great, yet it was temporary...

*Note: Cats demonstrating snuggling...they look so cosy!  

The snow was all melted from the sidewalks and I felt good for a little walk outside. Fifteen minutes later, pain was back to the "usual" level and the unexpected fantasy was over. It was nice while it lasted and it gave me hope that I might someday be pain-free from FAI and be able to walk for as long as I want without the pain stopping me.

~ Klau

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